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My Background

I earned my Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences and Engineering from EPFL in June 2021. Now, I am pursuing my Master's in Life Sciences and Engineering at EPFL, specializing in neurosciences and computational biology. Currently, I am conducting my master's thesis research within the Genomics and Health Informatics Group.

My Research Interests

During my studies, I cultivated a strong interest in statistical sciences and machine learning fields, which play a crucial role in advancing neurosciences research by posing new questions and providing innovative answers. My project in the lab integrates image processing analysis and RNA-sequencing data analysis, employing both traditional analytical methods and cutting-edge machine learning techniques. This approach enables us to leverage the strengths of both analyses and delve deeper into uncovering the phenotypes of motor neurons exhibited in the context of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) disease.

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